* Frankly I think "demonstrative act" put in place this morning by some employees of Cooperation and Development "in front of the town hall s ia was just an act of propaganda by those who, unfortunately, has affected the destiny from their initial recruitment occurred, it seems appropriate to remember , without any selection.
We wanted to exploit art to a problem that the administration Salvioli has brilliantly solved with two important results:
- were all guaranteed jobs;
- intervention has benefited the community ; is in terms of services and economically.
Now, the hope is that employees want to take this opportunity responsibly that the administration gives them.
The relocation plan the staff of the communal society through opportunities to (but not embraced certified) to three employees to be provided in a path of continued employment (and site) preservation of jobs in the new head of the service contractor canteen.
Nevertheless, the deadline, the council will complete the program of employment of employees of the company Cooperation and Development "by providing for the absorption of 2 units for cleaning, 3 units for Public illuminazion and 9 's home care and other units within the service management of the sports hall.
This approach will seriously:
- improved efficiency of services ;
- considerable cost, reducing the waste with spending cuts and savings of resources to cover huge losses accumulated over the years of a bad business model designed and managed by the previous administration, worse.
It also seems strange that someone, today, remember to claim the rights during the "reign" of other directors had forgotten, triggering lawsuits and wage claims, perhaps a reminder of the seriousness and sense of duty would seem to me necessary.
* Giulio Bettinelli (Deputy Mayor of Bellizzi)
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