/ IGINO Good Nameday
Happy name day by Hyginus Hyginus, and also to all the world to Gino. The name day may be the opportunity to ask the intercession of the patron saint of which bears her name. In our case, it may be down, the chance to claim the role of the patron saint, in order to recognize a saint who had the misfortune of being in the right place at the wrong time. In this I have always felt in line with my patron saint ... I do not know if other Igino or Gino can not complain the same thing ...
Becoming pope is not a trivial matter! Today is the Pope who is recognized as an authority by non-Catholics. Pope Hyginus unfortunately became too soon. It was the ninth after St. Peter and the Popes do not wear them again around the basilica with the chair gestation, indeed our protector had to be "glorious" martyrdom in the persecution of the emperor Antoninus, no one knows exactly how, however, appears to have been killed and that his body be buried in Sepolcreto Vatican. This seems to have been his effigy:
Looking for something more about him on the internet I came in that global market consists of E-bay, and I found it on sale even a relic. Unfortunately for the fate of being in the right place at the wrong time, when I arrived, the relic had been sold. It was perhaps a relic of the 1700 implementation by another Igino like me, who did not accept to have as a patron saint anonymous and had invented a relic. I would have wanted to buy anyway, and I hope she did another Hyginus, I remained the only photo I reproduce Igino good luck to all the world.
confess that the story of Pope Hyginus martyr and I was always upset by that. Possible that a pope who was and he also had the misfortune to become a martyr, has not been given even a church around the world. I do not say a church but at least a small country church! ... I found that in Rome the year dedicated to a road, but I think too little ...
Injustice also touches on the saints! There is a St. Florian who was a Roman centurion, and then ended martyr, and he finds a multitude of churches dedicated and altarpieces in which is depicted with a bucket to put out fires. But that can not come to St. Hyginus in his head that had to do some miracle if he wanted to stay in the memory of the people? Could cure the plague as S. Rocco, if he did not want to be a fireman as St. Florian ... Yes it is limited to the philosopher, and philosophers, you know, it is good when they are not challenged and burned at the stake ... some
But from what I know, but having had only four years of his pontificate, from 138 to 142, has played an important role in the history of the Church. He organized the hierarchy by distinguishing the various roles a priest, deacon and subdeacon. Introduced in the sacrament of baptism, the role of godfather and godmother ... I not enough? But do not put out any fire, no plague has not healed as well ... did not find anyone who would like to thank build a church, dedicating an altarpiece, or reredos
Dear ... same name, will agree that this is a great injustice! To me, I confess, this name is not that I ever liked. But the name is something like DNA, I find as it is, like it or not. And if you have been given by mistake, patience! In fact, I inherited axle, tap the name of Louis. View my initial size (which is not changed over time!) it seemed too much to someone that name, has therefore decided to reduce it to Luigi. At this point, my aunt (so he told me, proud!) Had a stroke of genius and has come up with a further reduction by eliminating the two letters, and so it was that I ended up carrying the name of a saint with Luigi had nothing to do. It 's a name that does not even like the Popes. His successor, it was called Pius, and others then took the same name until the twelfth of the last century. Hyginus instead he was left alone, first and last ...
Dear homonyms do not know if it happened to you something. However, both the reason, why we Hyginus, or call Gino, we must do something to rehabilitate our patron saint. I can not digest the idea that even the saints could be so much injustice! One has a thousand churches because it has only a bucket in hand and another in place that invented the sub-deacons, the godfather and the godmother of baptism, does not even have an altar! January 11 asking for help to our patron saint, we think of what to do because most worthy to be remembered! .... However
least ask him the grace not always be like him in the right place at the wrong time!
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