rumor is about to celebrate the funeral dell'Agemont. I hope not! In any event I would like to participate in the vigil, (hoping the miracle of the resurrection of the dead), taking a thought from my archive dated 06.05.2007.
Provocation for provocation, why does not form any committee of the No to the closure? ...
Reform dell'Agemont.
The Agency was born in '87. Those were the days when you thought the "leverage" to the "differential of development." Were accidentally added to the article that would make an unspecified CIT.
Up to 92 additional Congafi the Agemont ago by the mountain. Randomly in 92 develops a relationship with the BIC Trieste and then somehow the idea of \u200b\u200bduplicating it in the mountains. Incidentally, the following relationship with the CRF strengthens and develops the idea Agemont as it is now structured.
The goal was that you had to reach maximum occupancy to avoid continued emigration, Agemont was "an agency for economic development."
The maximum occupancy was achieved so much so that the last issue of the journal dell'Agemont title "immigration and integration." A provocation to point out that the picture is radically changed. But unfortunately they continue to think with all the old patterns of fifteen years ...
Although full employment:
- the mountain continues to lose population;
- continued depopulation of the average mountain for a process of slipping into the valley.
The new goal is to be taken from the following: create the conditions so that they choose to stay or to come and live in the mountains. The theme is cultural, social rather than economic.
The Agency must change the nature and become an agency for economic and social development, and as such instrumental body of the Region for the development of the mountain. Not by chance at the central level also has been transformed into IMONT Italian Mountain Institute with a mission of support to social development.
's role should be to Agemont Agency for local development, its strategy must be one of the projects "fell from the bottom" I mean ... The new project
mountain was founded with the idea of \u200b\u200ba control room and general booths at the level of individual communities. At one point, the central cabin was dissolved because the University who attended it was suggested to define the project. Could be an idea if the project had occupied the university in all its ramifications. Once again, however it was thought that the University could be Pascolini. Participated in the cabin as
Confcooperative but I always tried to emphasize the importance of a new born Agemont cabin with a new mission. How instrumental
Agency Region Agemont the Mountain manages the Fund, provides for a comprehensive strategy, articulated in lines of action, which imply a new model of development. On the basis of the framework of the Community, or Common aggregates, development of integrated development projects in the valley. The Agency operates as a "facilitator" in the definition of projects, funds them, replacing it follows the realization in terms of subsidiarity when it was without the action of the Community. The LAGs are already local development agencies in the community, becomes operational arms dell'Agemont in placing side communities.
-economic systems achieve decentralized and integrated (alternative agriculture, tourism, handicrafts, led by Amaro-tech, teleworking ...), around which to rebuild a system of relationships that make it attractive to live in the mountains;
- developing a unique system of services designed for the mountain which gives the mountain a place that offers more than the city (distance learning, telemedicine, telecare, cultural centers and aggregation etc.)..
The model is divided into lines of action which are then integrated at the level of the specific project on the valley or the individual country. The constitution
dell'Agemont as an instrumental entity of the region would enable the Agency to manage all the various projects on the ERDF and Interreg are now managed by the Autonomous Service of the mountain, by unifying the management of the resources managed for the benefit of the mountain and avoiding , as now happens, you face a bit 'of everything, but nothing that has the critical mass required to reverse the trend in the mountains. No
Hypothesis 2
It 'obvious that the hypothesis is difficult to get exposed. Presupposes a reform initiative in the approach to the problem of the mountain region. Difficult to pursue the initiative for the negative impact that would have on the territory, a charge of regional central command and which would be stamped.
alternative solution is that you Agemont revenues for itself a space in the mountain system, in agreement with the Mountain Communities, it being part of economic development on both sides of the existing business support and development of new enterprises. If
Phase 1 has seen the development Phase 2 of the CIT must include development of a relapse of innovation throughout, trying to give answers to two questions: how can
Agemont fertilized the existing business structure? How can develop a plan of seeding a new culture of entrepreneurship and new business development? If you will act as the structure that answer these two questions, a role that will automatically allow you to interact with other actors of the mountain, with no overlap and conflict.
fertilization. Next to the CIT
Agemont the outset has developed a Center for Advanced Services. The objective was to transfer the system territorial 's product and process innovations. They would have to grow people in developing know-how transfer, making the local antenna of the national network and internal innovation. There were programs and resources, it is not a draft Agemont in this direction, so after fifteen years, the business system of the mountain has not yet felt the presence of Agemont let alone have heard of the benefits.
The turnover of people is not such as to enable the development of recognized competence and perceived.
The new Competitiveness and Innovation may be a new opportunity for a new project Agemont-interface on the territory of the University, Research Area and research centers in general. The Interreg Italy Austria Slovenia and Italy for the position of Agemont near the triple border, need to create a new opportunity, especially for measures that relate to the networking experiences of innovation.
If the lack of an entrepreneurial culture as a propensity to do business is considered one of the handicaps that have hindered the development of the mountain, the Agemont must rediscover its mission to overcome this handicap. It is secluded but in recent years also by regional projects such as "Imprenderò.
A project for the development of new enterprises and the import of young entrepreneurs, with a structured package of measures facilitate but also supports a variety of experiences such as starting technoseed, or any other experience that you are doing around the world, should realize the mission of Agemont in this area. The single point
companies could provide the liaison with the Mountain Communities. A door in this Agemont and individual communities where entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs get both the information from those who dall'Agemont bureaucratic.
The data bank available of the sheds should be the point of contact with the industrial consortium which should be entrusted management structures Estate.
Fertilization for insemination.
This would help to define the preparatory activities to spread the entrepreneurial culture, the business and dissemination activities on young potential entrepreneurs. The project director Agemont this task could be entrusted to the GAL. In this context
LAGs could be also responsible for program development of entrepreneurial culture in agreement with the training centers and schools of the mountain.
Projects Agemont-Mountain Communities.
A particular area of \u200b\u200bcollaboration between the Mountain Communities Agemont and interesting developments may be susceptible to the research applied to problems that are particularly relevant in the mountains. It 's a bit that the mission was designed to Cirmont. Trials in the heating and energy, telemedicine and care, but also of alternative crops or new food products for niche markets.
About Cirmont the egg of Columbus could be that for which the shares dell'IMONT Agemont notes, is also entering the University of Trieste and Area Science Park and turns it into its service center in the sense of which was mentioned above.