Friday, March 4, 2011

Neutrogenaovernight Lip

The town home automation

C @ S @: the common home automation.

My grandfather told me about the evening as the country was alive in his time. Electricity had not arrived yet. In the streets the few pedestrians were made to light the lamp with oil. The windows of the houses they lived reflections of the flames of the hearth, and waved their shadows on the street. There was also light in the windows of some stable. heat produced by animals there people gathered in groups, passing the time talking and telling, in "file" as they used to say. The country lived in the first be the dark of night in the breath of an interplay of light and shadow, the echo of words, jokes and greetings before breaking up in deep silence of the night.

Now the country is different. The cobbled streets of the asphalt has been replaced, the houses are all refurbished. The City has floodlit all roads. But the country seems to be a wilderness of light that illuminates holiday death. Does not filter down from the shutter a ray of light. You may think that they are all inhabited, if you do not feel out of voices. They are not the voices of the people of the country, but the metallic ones, impersonal television. All were closed in the house, including silent them to suffer the images and words that come from the TV.

It states that there will be a further development, that of home automation. The shutters will close by itself arrival of the owners and self s'accenderà television, while the heating is switched on at a distance, even before the owner arrives home. The house will be more welcoming, even intelligent to understand, even after the wishes of the people and adapt to their needs.

ending on the inhabitants of the house, perfect ... like a coffin, because the resident can do just the dead, to undergo the technology that drives the house, the television that the sales pitch. The intelligent man in his house will not nothing more to do, nothing to think, just like a dead man in his chest ....

How to quit? Back to the past of the story of my grandfather? It would not make sense! The solution, a true tale of the future has found the new mayor of my town.

The country was covered by a virtual network of broadband connections in every way that we can connect to the Internet. He put together a cluster of companies that have produced an interactive television, and the City has implemented a funding scheme will benefit because all the families could adopt the new instrument. It is of a large 52-inch LCD screen that transforms the living room of every house into a home theater. But it is not a television but it is the monitor of an internet that allows you to watch TV channels, but also to interact.

Every family has become so computer cell of the hive that has turned the country! ...

E 'was thus possible to resume the evening "in file" was talking about his grandfather. But there is no need to go in the stalls, you can be easily sunk the couch lounge. The screen the special television may be divided up to 100 small squares and each square is occupied by the image of a person who participates in a discussion. The system is programmed for a minute to give the word to those who ask, and this requires people to be succinct and make in the debate. The person speaking is automatically placed at the center of the screen, and you can see the other 99 listened.

There are more discussion groups, so that everyone can throw a theme, setting the time for the opening of the debate. Interest of the theme depends on the number of participants. Some have agreed to see the same movie and then discuss it and have thus given rise to a film club in the country. Others see the same game of football, dividing the screen into two parts, one can see the game and the other viewers in the network of the country with their comments. It is also a widespread fashion of virtual travel: it takes a group agrees to visit a museum or a city and then put together the picture that you are back, the comments were made ...

For some days, there has also been a debate over how to rewrite the history of the country and everyone is working hard to recover documents, while discussing the various theories and legends that are known to country. Participants also believe that immigrants so, develop a process to identify the country, which also develops in them the spirit of belonging.

interesting debate that has developed on the fact that once the country was defined as "neighbors" and then as mayor of the new technological reforms could help rebuild the country a true "vicinia" the development of the new Close relationships between the families ...

Equally interesting is the fact that this virtual life of the country can also participate in migrants and in fact the discussion groups are also involved people from France and Switzerland and even Australia. As each house has a television so each person is equipped with a handheld remote control that serves as it also allows you to download the programs. So people can stay connected even when away from home and even outside the country.

What had changed most in the town was the relationship between citizens and administration. The Mayor anticipated in the Internet is all the resolutions of the Executive Council that the Council's deliberations and opened a debate estimate, a sort of opinion poll, which was then taken into account during the meetings convened to approve it formally. The Mayor first and foremost, but also all the Councillors had opened a forum for discussion with citizens. It was then possible to take home and have any kind of document municipal, and documents of other bodies that the City was responsible to obtain on behalf of its citizens.

The village school was endowed with an interactive television that replaces the traditional blackboard and the students are distance learning using the internet as a source of information and links with other schools in the world who use similar systems. In the afternoon, then the system is used to set up working groups for after-school activities, enabling a single teacher to follow multiple groups of schoolchildren who form, both on the monitor at home than on the school, a virtual classroom. With this system, even the students who are ill can continue to take lessons from home. While parents may enter the pages of their children to school whether they are present, but also to know in real time the votes. All students then, as citizens have a handheld device with which you can participate in virtual classroom and download their homework, and in the spring days can participate in after school by sitting in the shade of some trees in the country and winter walking on snow.

the portal of the country were open pages for each family, often made so that you can fill with ease. All data were mail addresses firstname.lastname @ and the fact he helped develop the identification process. However they were also organized meetings in which the grandchildren to grandparents explained how to fill the pages, such as chat, phone calls with Skype as seeing the other person, and all their families have made a small site with the story of their family.

The grocer, the butcher, the baker have made a site a bit 'more complex with the opportunity to order their products online. So have some local producers, especially of food products. It 'so now you can order from home for every family expenditure made in the country and local producers is on the "short chain" beneficial to both producers and consumers. There was the question of who should lead the spending ordered via the web ... The Mayor was able to get the Post Office contract to a cooperative of young people the service of delivering mail, and these have been organized to bring the mail over the products ordered online, ordered the drugs to the pharmacy ...

He joined the system, even the village doctor, the barber, a hairdresser and other providers of services for which you can book tours and meetings, to avoid the queues. A young man a bit 'reckless, computer enthusiast, had proposed to involve the parish priest to book a confession, but they had shielded the idea was dropped, as it had fallen much more ... "The confessions are like death," had supported the old pastor, "not you can book! "And faced with a categorical statement that he had to give up the enthusiasm of the Mayor for technological innovation.

The young man was rather successful in developing a system where the old could meet virtually to play cards, and even the morra, avoiding going out in bad weather. He had then placed in association with others youth of the country and had activated a software company that teleworking had customers throughout Europe and the USA.

Once the mayors stood out in proclaiming their town "denuclearization" our wanted to distinguish the first municipality proclaimed "demonetized" of the world. At his initiative, the Cooperative has established a postal convention with items for which the employees have been equipped with an instrument that charges the credit cards. All residents have then had supplied a card that is recharged at home and can do any kind of expenditure in the country. The glass of wine at the bar is paid with the card and in the country has gone so the use of money. The instrument is also supplied to the postal functions of ATM, it is therefore possible for the inhabitants supplies at home that will have to spend money outside the country.

Even the pastor who had experienced problems in the book of confessions has adapted to the system and has given the clerk a card reader. So during the Mass is no longer rotating with the bag of offers but with an instrument in which the parishioners insert the card and type in the desired range.

The computer that controls the monitor in the living room is also a server that receives impulses from inside the house and send them outside. So he turned on a central assistance to the savings that monitors the consumption of electricity and gas to every home, advising interested parties in the event of abnormal situations. More important is the result obtained with the system in terms of home care. All those who have problems are monitored with sensors that keep the values \u200b\u200bthat should be kept under control, and at the rest home has set up a center able to intervene whenever the system reports the changes out of the norm. So, especially for the elderly, was thus able to reduce welcome nursing homes, home care, emphasizing
Even in the fairy tale world all is not to bean ... In our country, the Mayor is criticized, as in all countries, especially from the opposition. Who is the other side in fact, no one knows whether as a matter of principle od'intelligenza can not admit that the technological revolution introduced by the mayor of the miraculous in global level, has it dispelled the idea that technology is dehumanizing, and transformed it instead into a means to make his country a true "close", a means of bringing together people, the reporting system for virtual encourage the development of interpersonal relationships.

With the new system, however, the mayor got the advantage of being able to directly determine people's opinions, and supported by polls that give likings of around 90% (including mine!) Goes on undeterred in its reform Home automation for the city. Greetings! ...

Saturday, February 19, 2011


The Little People of meat.

In the mists of time, at a time suspended between history and prehistory, the Dolomites when he had said the kingdom of Fanes, some argue that the Carnian Alps were inhabited by the Little People of Dobes. For some are extinct, others are still living, invisible in Carnia lands, mountain without boundaries between heaven and earth, between history and fantasy, between reality and poetry ...
They still live in the breath of the woods and the murmur of water in the glow of sunrises and sunsets in the chill. Still speak of feeling in the ingenuity of the last carnici ...
Their legend was found in a scroll when it finally is brought to light in the pages of the book: "The Dobes, the saga of the Little People of flesh" that you can see and buy at ... Libraries and Feltrinelli.

Friday, February 4, 2011

I apologize for the naivete. The funeral

- I was in next to the President of the Province of Udine in calling for a strengthening of the mountain and in fact it had doubled the Mountain Fund was established and the direction of the Mountain.
the wind changed, because people change, the Directorate has already been eliminated, the Fund reduced by half.
- I was next to the President Tondo, who shared the idea of \u200b\u200bstrengthening the regional agency for the mountains, as an alternative to the Province of the mountain, the wind changed
, without even changing the people, we want to abolish the agency after hours devalued the role of mountain communities.
E 'prevailed denial, there is a problem mountain and therefore does not require any intervention to resolve it.
Hopefully only in God the Father, waiting for the next flood plain to all the memories that still exists (eccome!) the problem mountain. The only consolation
bitter, in terms of political passion, is the belief that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe province of Upper Friuli was and remains the wrong way to solve it:
do not resolve in isolation, let alone making up a new institution-bandwagon .
The mountain region is not identified in the high exhausts and Friuli. By inventing a
Alto Friuli that there would have ended up in a pointless war between Tarvisio bell, and Gemona Tolmezzo.
Inventing an institution in a territory without identity would lose value the identity of Carnia. Value of which (though even that there is life there is hope!) In the near future, some people might realize, to become a fulcrum for the lever of the relaunch ....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Can I Ge Gentil Warts From Kissing

dell'Agemont. GINO

rumor is about to celebrate the funeral dell'Agemont. I hope not! In any event I would like to participate in the vigil, (hoping the miracle of the resurrection of the dead), taking a thought from my archive dated 06.05.2007.
Provocation for provocation, why does not form any committee of the No to the closure? ...
Reform dell'Agemont.
The Agency was born in '87. Those were the days when you thought the "leverage" to the "differential of development." Were accidentally added to the article that would make an unspecified CIT.
Up to 92 additional Congafi the Agemont ago by the mountain. Randomly in 92 develops a relationship with the BIC Trieste and then somehow the idea of \u200b\u200bduplicating it in the mountains. Incidentally, the following relationship with the CRF strengthens and develops the idea Agemont as it is now structured.
The goal was that you had to reach maximum occupancy to avoid continued emigration, Agemont was "an agency for economic development."

The maximum occupancy was achieved so much so that the last issue of the journal dell'Agemont title "immigration and integration." A provocation to point out that the picture is radically changed. But unfortunately they continue to think with all the old patterns of fifteen years ...
Although full employment:
- the mountain continues to lose population;
- continued depopulation of the average mountain for a process of slipping into the valley.
The new goal is to be taken from the following: create the conditions so that they choose to stay or to come and live in the mountains. The theme is cultural, social rather than economic.
The Agency must change the nature and become an agency for economic and social development, and as such instrumental body of the Region for the development of the mountain. Not by chance at the central level also has been transformed into IMONT Italian Mountain Institute with a mission of support to social development.
's role should be to Agemont Agency for local development, its strategy must be one of the projects "fell from the bottom" I mean ... The new project

mountain was founded with the idea of \u200b\u200ba control room and general booths at the level of individual communities. At one point, the central cabin was dissolved because the University who attended it was suggested to define the project. Could be an idea if the project had occupied the university in all its ramifications. Once again, however it was thought that the University could be Pascolini. Participated in the cabin as
Confcooperative but I always tried to emphasize the importance of a new born Agemont cabin with a new mission. How instrumental
Agency Region Agemont the Mountain manages the Fund, provides for a comprehensive strategy, articulated in lines of action, which imply a new model of development. On the basis of the framework of the Community, or Common aggregates, development of integrated development projects in the valley. The Agency operates as a "facilitator" in the definition of projects, funds them, replacing it follows the realization in terms of subsidiarity when it was without the action of the Community. The LAGs are already local development agencies in the community, becomes operational arms dell'Agemont in placing side communities.

-economic systems achieve decentralized and integrated (alternative agriculture, tourism, handicrafts, led by Amaro-tech, teleworking ...), around which to rebuild a system of relationships that make it attractive to live in the mountains;
- developing a unique system of services designed for the mountain which gives the mountain a place that offers more than the city (distance learning, telemedicine, telecare, cultural centers and aggregation etc.)..
The model is divided into lines of action which are then integrated at the level of the specific project on the valley or the individual country. The constitution

dell'Agemont as an instrumental entity of the region would enable the Agency to manage all the various projects on the ERDF and Interreg are now managed by the Autonomous Service of the mountain, by unifying the management of the resources managed for the benefit of the mountain and avoiding , as now happens, you face a bit 'of everything, but nothing that has the critical mass required to reverse the trend in the mountains. No

Hypothesis 2
It 'obvious that the hypothesis is difficult to get exposed. Presupposes a reform initiative in the approach to the problem of the mountain region. Difficult to pursue the initiative for the negative impact that would have on the territory, a charge of regional central command and which would be stamped.
alternative solution is that you Agemont revenues for itself a space in the mountain system, in agreement with the Mountain Communities, it being part of economic development on both sides of the existing business support and development of new enterprises. If
Phase 1 has seen the development Phase 2 of the CIT must include development of a relapse of innovation throughout, trying to give answers to two questions: how can
Agemont fertilized the existing business structure? How can develop a plan of seeding a new culture of entrepreneurship and new business development? If you will act as the structure that answer these two questions, a role that will automatically allow you to interact with other actors of the mountain, with no overlap and conflict.

fertilization. Next to the CIT
Agemont the outset has developed a Center for Advanced Services. The objective was to transfer the system territorial 's product and process innovations. They would have to grow people in developing know-how transfer, making the local antenna of the national network and internal innovation. There were programs and resources, it is not a draft Agemont in this direction, so after fifteen years, the business system of the mountain has not yet felt the presence of Agemont let alone have heard of the benefits.
The turnover of people is not such as to enable the development of recognized competence and perceived.
The new Competitiveness and Innovation may be a new opportunity for a new project Agemont-interface on the territory of the University, Research Area and research centers in general. The Interreg Italy Austria Slovenia and Italy for the position of Agemont near the triple border, need to create a new opportunity, especially for measures that relate to the networking experiences of innovation.

If the lack of an entrepreneurial culture as a propensity to do business is considered one of the handicaps that have hindered the development of the mountain, the Agemont must rediscover its mission to overcome this handicap. It is secluded but in recent years also by regional projects such as "Imprenderò.
A project for the development of new enterprises and the import of young entrepreneurs, with a structured package of measures facilitate but also supports a variety of experiences such as starting technoseed, or any other experience that you are doing around the world, should realize the mission of Agemont in this area. The single point
companies could provide the liaison with the Mountain Communities. A door in this Agemont and individual communities where entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs get both the information from those who dall'Agemont bureaucratic.
The data bank available of the sheds should be the point of contact with the industrial consortium which should be entrusted management structures Estate.

Fertilization for insemination.
This would help to define the preparatory activities to spread the entrepreneurial culture, the business and dissemination activities on young potential entrepreneurs. The project director Agemont this task could be entrusted to the GAL. In this context
LAGs could be also responsible for program development of entrepreneurial culture in agreement with the training centers and schools of the mountain.

Projects Agemont-Mountain Communities.
A particular area of \u200b\u200bcollaboration between the Mountain Communities Agemont and interesting developments may be susceptible to the research applied to problems that are particularly relevant in the mountains. It 's a bit that the mission was designed to Cirmont. Trials in the heating and energy, telemedicine and care, but also of alternative crops or new food products for niche markets.

About Cirmont the egg of Columbus could be that for which the shares dell'IMONT Agemont notes, is also entering the University of Trieste and Area Science Park and turns it into its service center in the sense of which was mentioned above.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Forward Texts To Email Iphone

The delegate trade Alessandro Paolillo with his work gave impetus to the development of national trade.

Heard Merchants with questionnaire on key issues affecting the national market, has worked at the opening of the "Enterprise ATM" and "Together" to the newly formed association " Confesercenti "has made the most beautiful roads of the city with landscaping (120 Christmas trees) donated by the Association.

These are some of the initiatives launched by the delegate.

Here are his thoughts in announcing controls in consumer protection and the protection of honest traders.

* The City is the institution closest to the citizen is the natural interface, the main contact to help you address and possibly solve the small and big problems of life daily that arouse anxiety, fear and, ultimately, insecurity.

The tourist town is definitely the part that acts as the natural contact with to talk, argue, get angry, but ultimately a fight where you can freely report without fear or hidden problems. We can and we must establish some sort of collaboration that allows the pursuit of common goals, including defending the quality of life that does not mean simply the ability to "live the city" in all its facets wide.

The City must respond to this because its field of intervention is broad and diverse and touches different sectors of the most significant social life, allowing you to reach the final result.

On the other hand let us not forget that the directors are first of all citizens living in the city and the city, without, however, merely to the place of residence, but range to very long borders. They are citizens, consumers should have to put their role in the service of local needs, must follow the profound changes.

The "right to security and defense of the" citizen consumer "must be ensured not only in relation to the phenomenon of international organized crime, but also in relation to the phenomena of illegal small presence in places where people live and work.

The Administration, as connoisseur of the social fabric of the City, is located in the local community not only as the guarantor of legality, but also and above all, as a qualified representative.

The "Consumer protection " therefore fall within the institutional tasks of a modern administration. In order to provide maximum protection for the consumer, our body will implement checks and controls, through targeted interventions, in premises, shops and weekly market to control, for example:

food hygiene, premises and persons responsible for the sale and / or the administration of food;

The expiry date of food and non , displayed for sale to the public and the integrity of the packaging;

advertising consumer price or in addition to price controls clearly visible on the goods displayed for sale;

The regularity of scales, and then the net weight of goods; The standing of the hour; The protection of nonsmokers;

extraordinary sales: promotions, liquidations, sales below cost and, non-infringement of the goods displayed for sale; The conclusion of contractual clauses. Only then can we reinvigorate our trade and drive Bellizzi placing the center of a virtuous cycle in these times of deep crisis.

Alessandro Paolillo (delegate to the trade town of Bellshill)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Orange Peel For Reflux

New City Urban Planning (PUC) opened

Bellizzi 17/01/2011

The City's planning department of the town of Bellshill arch. Gerado Cerra announces that he will hand to the New City Urban Planning.

A year's work - said the commissioner, who has been involved for the solution of housing in the locality IACP-Futura Borgonovo, seized by the judiciary and the variation to the Area D (formerly Industrial).

Towards the release from seizure of the IACP-yard Futura.

It is with satisfaction that at last we can say today to have arrived finally at the end of a path for objectively as complex as tortuous: with the CdS (Conference Services) held on January 13 came in the room of the City of Bellizzi, "we" (we all) cashed favorable opinions of all Institutions (Superintendent, Civil Engineering, a consortium Dx Sele, Province, City, City of Battipaglia) unless right Sele Basin Authority and the State property for reasons more formal than substantive and that are permanently captured in the already scheduled CdS final session scheduled for next January 20.

The opinions belong to the project approval definitive works of river banks that will be executed directly by the IACP and the Future of the bridge project, already approved by the Province, and that it will carry out downstream of the due and planned public procurement procedures.

This is the last step before the final release from seizure of the site (after about 4 years), a technical-administrative and legal proceedings that involved non-stop technical consultants and the municipality, the province, the IACP Futura to whom I extend my personal thanks, not clearly exclude the political commitment and continuous positive Salvioli mainly by the Mayor and the ass. Provincial Chambers. Feola.


The variant was finally adopted, published and launched the finals to capture the views and the final council approval.

The shift of the scheduled time (late 2010) has been a delay of about two months, for different SEA procedure, determined by the Campania region tell us until 18 September 2010, and promptly "on again" with Minutes of October 1, 2010.

The SEA procedure (Strategic assessment area) is necessary because we are probably the last town in the Campania region to have an old existing PRG and not a PUC as required by LR 16.4.

is precisely on this last point I want to focus on the urban planning of our town for the next biennium.

The aforementioned LR No 16 of 22 December 2004, requiring among other municipalities to adopt PUC within 36 months after entry into force of Law.

New City Urban Planning

For a change the town of Bellshill, before the adoption of strong law to complete a PRG on March 28, 2008: a technological context of automobiles € 5, the town of Bellshill has equipped itself with a good "coach" the late nineteenth century.

The current PRG, conceptually outdated, cumbersome and intentionally "evil" , which define "veterocomunista" (town planning point of view) is short, in three years has not allowed anything substantially, the areas of implementation are objectively (or intentionally) unworkable.

Without going into technical details on the reasons for the difficulties mentioned above, we believe that the development of a PUC as a tool for planning the most fair and objective functional of the current PRG, is the only way to stall the construction, urban and economic development of our area of \u200b\u200bour community.

is for this reason that with the consent of the majority of all colleagues and the mayor and the council, I have given instructions to the relevant departments to initiate a job Study first and then development of a new City Urban Planning, with the aim of giving a new attitude and a new organization of our urban municipality.

Bellizzi should no longer be distinguished by its "diversity" , paradoxically otherwise heralded by some pseudo nostalgia, in negative than in the neighboring communities for efficiency and fairness in administration, in quality and functionality of the instruments of government of the territory, but start to become a normal town, not say special, but normal in line and consistent with the times, rules and actual needs, with a future of certainty, clarity and rights, and without harassment, unreasonable petty political views that have actually produced a delay now "generation" of our community.

Bigfoot And Monster Jam

field and playground - Via Parisi

Sunday, January 16, Pino Salvioli the Mayor, Councillors and Municipal Councillors, together with the citizens, have opened the field soccer field and playground, in the District upgraded Parisi.

The morning of celebration began with a game boys' soccer, games and entertainment.

Youth Movement "Together we want to Bellizzi" have set up the square with banners and posters explaining the project work and the deterioration of the neighborhood of past administrations.

< - d CBP Mayor - in everyday life. After 15 years of neglect, has been reclassified as an important part of the territory and the District via Cuomo Parisi.

continue a path that will last until the end of term by launching concrete actions that can be measured, unfortunately, with the financial terms of the organization.

Our administrative activities - stresses Salvioli - will continue to enhance the existing look in the near future to important infrastructure that will enhance the urban fabric of this city, using the induced that can create job opportunities.>> In thanking

the traffic wardens, civil protection, the municipal employees and employees of the "Co-operation and Development and the Youth Movement for the great success of the event, addressed an invitation to local residents to enjoy structure and guide the administrator store.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Invitation Wording For 27th Birthday

will be guaranteed jobs

* Frankly I think "demonstrative act" put in place this morning by some employees of Cooperation and Development "in front of the town hall s ia was just an act of propaganda by those who, unfortunately, has affected the destiny from their initial recruitment occurred, it seems appropriate to remember , without any selection.

We wanted to exploit art to a problem that the administration Salvioli has brilliantly solved with two important results:

  1. were all guaranteed jobs;
  2. intervention has benefited the community ; is in terms of services and economically.

Now, the hope is that employees want to take this opportunity responsibly that the administration gives them.

The relocation plan the staff of the communal society through opportunities to (but not embraced certified) to three employees to be provided in a path of continued employment (and site) preservation of jobs in the new head of the service contractor canteen.

Nevertheless, the deadline, the council will complete the program of employment of employees of the company Cooperation and Development "by providing for the absorption of 2 units for cleaning, 3 units for Public illuminazion and 9 's home care and other units within the service management of the sports hall.

This approach will seriously:

  1. improved efficiency of services ;
  2. considerable cost, reducing the waste with spending cuts and savings of resources to cover huge losses accumulated over the years of a bad business model designed and managed by the previous administration, worse.

It also seems strange that someone, today, remember to claim the rights during the "reign" of other directors had forgotten, triggering lawsuits and wage claims, perhaps a reminder of the seriousness and sense of duty would seem to me necessary.

* Giulio Bettinelli (Deputy Mayor of Bellizzi)

Incontinence Boxers Why Are They Made To Do This?

Redevelopment of District parisi

Bellizzi - December 14, 2011
Sunday, December 16 at 10.30 am the Mayor of Pine Bellizzi Salvioli inaugurate the football field and playground in the District Parisi.

Games, Music and entertainment enliven the morning.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Boston Terrier Has Blood In Stool

/ IGINO Good Nameday

Happy name day by Hyginus Hyginus, and also to all the world to Gino. The name day may be the opportunity to ask the intercession of the patron saint of which bears her name. In our case, it may be down, the chance to claim the role of the patron saint, in order to recognize a saint who had the misfortune of being in the right place at the wrong time. In this I have always felt in line with my patron saint ... I do not know if other Igino or Gino can not complain the same thing ...
Becoming pope is not a trivial matter! Today is the Pope who is recognized as an authority by non-Catholics. Pope Hyginus unfortunately became too soon. It was the ninth after St. Peter and the Popes do not wear them again around the basilica with the chair gestation, indeed our protector had to be "glorious" martyrdom in the persecution of the emperor Antoninus, no one knows exactly how, however, appears to have been killed and that his body be buried in Sepolcreto Vatican. This seems to have been his effigy:

Looking for something more about him on the internet I came in that global market consists of E-bay, and I found it on sale even a relic. Unfortunately for the fate of being in the right place at the wrong time, when I arrived, the relic had been sold. It was perhaps a relic of the 1700 implementation by another Igino like me, who did not accept to have as a patron saint anonymous and had invented a relic. I would have wanted to buy anyway, and I hope she did another Hyginus, I remained the only photo I reproduce Igino good luck to all the world.

confess that the story of Pope Hyginus martyr and I was always upset by that. Possible that a pope who was and he also had the misfortune to become a martyr, has not been given even a church around the world. I do not say a church but at least a small country church! ... I found that in Rome the year dedicated to a road, but I think too little ...
Injustice also touches on the saints! There is a St. Florian who was a Roman centurion, and then ended martyr, and he finds a multitude of churches dedicated and altarpieces in which is depicted with a bucket to put out fires. But that can not come to St. Hyginus in his head that had to do some miracle if he wanted to stay in the memory of the people? Could cure the plague as S. Rocco, if he did not want to be a fireman as St. Florian ... Yes it is limited to the philosopher, and philosophers, you know, it is good when they are not challenged and burned at the stake ... some
But from what I know, but having had only four years of his pontificate, from 138 to 142, has played an important role in the history of the Church. He organized the hierarchy by distinguishing the various roles a priest, deacon and subdeacon. Introduced in the sacrament of baptism, the role of godfather and godmother ... I not enough? But do not put out any fire, no plague has not healed as well ... did not find anyone who would like to thank build a church, dedicating an altarpiece, or reredos
Dear ... same name, will agree that this is a great injustice! To me, I confess, this name is not that I ever liked. But the name is something like DNA, I find as it is, like it or not. And if you have been given by mistake, patience! In fact, I inherited axle, tap the name of Louis. View my initial size (which is not changed over time!) it seemed too much to someone that name, has therefore decided to reduce it to Luigi. At this point, my aunt (so he told me, proud!) Had a stroke of genius and has come up with a further reduction by eliminating the two letters, and so it was that I ended up carrying the name of a saint with Luigi had nothing to do. It 's a name that does not even like the Popes. His successor, it was called Pius, and others then took the same name until the twelfth of the last century. Hyginus instead he was left alone, first and last ...
Dear homonyms do not know if it happened to you something. However, both the reason, why we Hyginus, or call Gino, we must do something to rehabilitate our patron saint. I can not digest the idea that even the saints could be so much injustice! One has a thousand churches because it has only a bucket in hand and another in place that invented the sub-deacons, the godfather and the godmother of baptism, does not even have an altar! January 11 asking for help to our patron saint, we think of what to do because most worthy to be remembered! .... However
least ask him the grace not always be like him in the right place at the wrong time!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blu Ray Hdmi Receiver

The sound of bells. Angelin

"The sound of the bells is not more than one occasion." Do not overdo with mania to say that everything changed that nothing is as before. Unless you have been the case for change, if the bells are the same, their sound can not be different ...
But yeah, it also changed the sound, when the bells are activated by an electric motor, since c 'is a clock that starts automatically.
When I heard a bell ring thought to who was playing, who was pulling the rope in the cell at the base of the tower. And somehow the sound bore his thought. They played a party because he pulled the rope with joy in your heart. Filling the air with a cry of pain and grief across the country when they announce the death someone. On the evening of the dead then cried all night the nostalgia of the invisible that they resumed their homes, returning to drink the water prepared for them. The bells were like a musical instrument expressing the feelings of those who played. The same instrument is capable of making us feel the emotion of joy or pain more intense than despair. So it was for the bells of my country ... Today, the clock that moves not forward them no feeling, no feeling and transmit them to those who hear. They have the cool sound of an instrument without a soul, the sound of a country already dead, because even without a soul ...
But perhaps it is not the country or sound of the bell to be dead ... And