Starts at Bellizzi Strabilandia
the fifteenth edition of International Festival of Street Artists
presented this morning at the Fair Representation of Palazzo S. Augustine Strabilandia XV edition of the International Festival of street artists.
The press conference was attended by the Mayor of Bellizzi Pino Salvioli, Vice Mayor Giulio Bettinelli, the Head of Culture Teresina Granese , the Provincial Council Domenico Di Giorgi oel'Assessore provincial Adriano Bellacosa.
Present for the occasion, also Jury Boys.
The event, sponsored by the Cultural Department of the City of Bellizzi and included in planning the "Estate ... Together 2010" has received significant support in the province of Salerno.
, now a major reference in the calendar of summer initiatives, the 2010 edition of Strabilandia will be divided into two days: 28 and 29 August. Balancing, fakir, magic, acrobatics, jugglers, fire-eaters, tightrope walking, music: these are some activities that artists in the race will give the public the streets and squares.
Saturday, August 28, starting at 20:00, we start with the traveling shows of street artists: Engranaie Company (Argentina), Lullo Mosso (Italy), Quetzalcoatl (Mexico); Arteconfigurazione (Italy); Supermambo (Kenya); Il Saraceno (Italy). At 22.30, in the market, the spectacle of dance theater, movement on stilts, acrobatics and fire "Atlas and stardom."
Sunday, August 29 the day will begin at 11:00 am with the artists who have their numbers on the streets of Bivio Pratole.
In the evening, the event will move to Piazza Giovanni XIII, with the performance of teams in the competition.
The formula is the popular decision : A panel of kids who live next door to the artists, study them, observe them during performances but also scrutinize them in moments of rest when they stop the mask and become once again men and women. The final vote, that the winner is always the result of an overall assessment on the human and professional artist.
Alongside the boys there will be a Technical jury, comprising experts and journalists, with the task of a rigorous evaluation on the details of the performances, the originality of the proposal and artistic productions. A jury that the task of assigning the "Critics Award", no less important than that of "Artist of the Year", as the international context in which the event is inserted. This year is also provided for an additional prize, awarded by a jury.
Mayor Optimistic Pino Salvioli declaring: "The magic of Strabilandia is close connection between the city and the artists in the race. During the two days of the festival the streets are invaded by a crowd of adults and children who do not just watch the shows but they love getting involved, becoming an integral part of the performances .
With Strabilandia - highlights Salvioli - Bellizzi is counted among the great cities that have opened their doors to street and maybe our town has gone even further, thanks to the great humanity of the people of the South
With our "Squares - Theatre" our amphitheaters and our people are ready to welcome those who wish to visit us, convinced that I have memories of how City of Hospitality Bellizzi, of happiness and opportunities.
Now it is necessary that the Festival makes a quantum leap by creating a real body that addresses the whole year of this initiative and, by definition, must include the contribution, as well as institutions, even private individuals. "
"The fifteenth edition of Strabilandia - said the deputy mayor Giulio Bettinelli - confirms what were the expectations of the early years: to create an event to launch the cultural circuit Bellizzi provincial, regional and national levels. Today, we can say that the objective has been achieved. The echo of this event has occurred at the national level, not by chance that the event was inserted in the circuit of FNAS (National Federation of Street Artists).
We participated - still the deputy mayor - To a meeting in Matera of all Italian municipalities that promote its territory, the work of street artists. Achieved the target must make a quantum leap. In addition, the Province, which has greatly supported the event, we must engage the region and the national government. Create, and then, a synergy so Strabilandia become an event like the "Giffoni Film Festival" and the like. "
Bettinelli highlights the novelty of the 2010 Strabilandia: "We have signed an agreement with the National Secretary of the FNAS, whereby the winner of the event will be hosted Bellizzi of law at the National Competition of Street Artists.
In addition, we will work to ensure that next year we can build synergies with neighboring municipalities, do so by traveling around the centers of the Piana del Sele Picentini and the festival of street artists. This will further grow the event and characterize it as an event of the province of Salerno. "
For the Head of Culture Teresina Granese : "As part of a qualified and dense summer festival, Strabilandia is the flagship event. The common thread running throughout the festival Strabilandia and summer is to offer moments of relaxation and enjoyment for all citizens, especially for children. "
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