Saturday, February 19, 2011


The Little People of meat.

In the mists of time, at a time suspended between history and prehistory, the Dolomites when he had said the kingdom of Fanes, some argue that the Carnian Alps were inhabited by the Little People of Dobes. For some are extinct, others are still living, invisible in Carnia lands, mountain without boundaries between heaven and earth, between history and fantasy, between reality and poetry ...
They still live in the breath of the woods and the murmur of water in the glow of sunrises and sunsets in the chill. Still speak of feeling in the ingenuity of the last carnici ...
Their legend was found in a scroll when it finally is brought to light in the pages of the book: "The Dobes, the saga of the Little People of flesh" that you can see and buy at ... Libraries and Feltrinelli.

Friday, February 4, 2011

I apologize for the naivete. The funeral

- I was in next to the President of the Province of Udine in calling for a strengthening of the mountain and in fact it had doubled the Mountain Fund was established and the direction of the Mountain.
the wind changed, because people change, the Directorate has already been eliminated, the Fund reduced by half.
- I was next to the President Tondo, who shared the idea of \u200b\u200bstrengthening the regional agency for the mountains, as an alternative to the Province of the mountain, the wind changed
, without even changing the people, we want to abolish the agency after hours devalued the role of mountain communities.
E 'prevailed denial, there is a problem mountain and therefore does not require any intervention to resolve it.
Hopefully only in God the Father, waiting for the next flood plain to all the memories that still exists (eccome!) the problem mountain. The only consolation
bitter, in terms of political passion, is the belief that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe province of Upper Friuli was and remains the wrong way to solve it:
do not resolve in isolation, let alone making up a new institution-bandwagon .
The mountain region is not identified in the high exhausts and Friuli. By inventing a
Alto Friuli that there would have ended up in a pointless war between Tarvisio bell, and Gemona Tolmezzo.
Inventing an institution in a territory without identity would lose value the identity of Carnia. Value of which (though even that there is life there is hope!) In the near future, some people might realize, to become a fulcrum for the lever of the relaunch ....