Bellizzi . Was held Friday, October 22 at the Barracks "Ronga" of Persia (Eboli), the meeting between the Mayor institutional Pino Salvioli and Colonel Henry Rinaldi , Commander of the 10th Regiment Maneuver.
The delegation, composed of Mayor delegated to the Institutional Relations Alessandro Paolillo and the Director of Civil Protection of Bellizzi Col. Masullo , was received by Commander Rinaldi that after the official greetings, he stayed with the guests to an informal interview.
They discussed the history of the 10th Regiment , the scenic beauty of Persian and Oasis by the great efforts made by his men for the spread of peace and the principles of coexistence peace between peoples in difficult peacekeeping missions worldwide. In fact, Since 1998, the 10th Regiment Maneuver has been engaged in difficult and dangerous peacekeeping operations "outside the box" such as Kosovo, Albania and Iraq '. Currently, several units of the Regiment are involved in Lebanon and Afghanistan.
visit , already on the agenda for several months, not surprisingly was held just days before the National Day of the Armed Forces, scheduled for Nov. 4 consolidating the relationship of friendly cooperation and mutual built over the years.