Monday, August 24, 2009

Bulimic More Condition_symptoms Heart

S. Bartolomeo in Caneva Tolmezzo. From the mountains to the problem

The feast of St. Bartholomew in Caneva Tolmezzo has put together three things: the people of Cane, the Community Center Don Onelio Piergiorgio, the clown-doctors Humanitarian Action Group Association. A moment of celebration culminated with the Sunday, Aug. 23 in the afternoon when the procession of 50 people formed by the clown doctors, guests of the Centre with Don Onelio values \u200b\u200bassistants and volunteers, has fallen in the square in Caneva greeted by the notes of the band.
A phantasmagoria of colors, sounds, balloons, soap bubbles and red noses greeted with enthusiasm and participation by citizens in Caneva.
The show continued in the square with the involvement of all children through dance games throwing balloons, movements of long ribbons of crepe paper and colored fabrics, were all involved, a great joy.
The initiative had the corollary is also a photo exhibition on the meetings of the clown-doctors with the Center Don Onelio, particularly on the day of onoterapia, which was held last July 19 with donkeys made available to the disabled by the City of Amaro.
The clown-doctors had already arrived at the Centre in the day Saturday, August 22 for a stage of movement, dance and music created with the guests of the Centre Don Onelio: the teacher Francesca brought classical music, circus and marches that have set in motion all the participants, all were valued and their coaches were not even real estate. This measure is in the commitments of the clown-doctors, all volunteers from various parts of the Region from Trieste and Pordenone in particular, that are held in summer in addition to the constant presence in some hospitals and nursing homes in the region. See you in Caneva
the feast of St. Bartholomew in 2010

Friday, August 14, 2009

Marvel Birthday Party Ideas

Carnia problem. The common name

We have always faced the problems of development of our territory as a "problem mountain." Maybe we should change the terms, and then the prospect, and to start talking about the "Problem flesh."
When referring to the mountain looks like a problem you want to say that the mountain is a problem as such: mountain synonymous with underdevelopment. Yet we all know that there are mountains far from being characterized by under-development. Still, the mountain itself is not a problem but rather a feature that should be considered in the resolution of the problem and could become an added value.
At the time of the referendum supporters emphasized the need of the new province would be the advantage derived from a new institute to direct democracy. He blamed the lack of development in the absence of direct democracy.
Mountain and democracy have always been so used as an excuse for not addressing the problem of why the meat is still a region lagging in development. Yet it is an area of \u200b\u200bVenice-Monaco lapped from the highway and then not insignificant but quite the center of the European system. A territory with a discrete internal roads, a heritage building renovated after the earthquake. An area that, according to all the visitors, had the nature and history distinctive features exceptional tourism potential under-utilized. An area with high human resource education, etc.. etc..
But these strengths have not been sufficient to create the conditions for an appropriate economic development and social, that makes the area a land of choice rather than emigration.
Why? There must be an element of weakness, a critical asset that neutralizes the positive! Sure! But the paradox, in my view, is that this in itself constitutes a competitive advantage. This identity, Carnian, Carnian of feeling. A feeling that, by joining, should be a strong point. Instead is a strength when opposed to others, becomes an element of weakness when we experience it ourselves. What becomes positively carnico pride and encourages us in comparison with others, when we are one of us becomes empty pride, envy in the negative, the desire to demolish instead of building. The extra element becomes a problem, as sometimes happens in a football team for which the advantage of having a champion, leads to the loss of a team that does not turn.
What to do? Meanwhile, it is important that we share the diagnosis. Continuing to say that the problem is the mountain or institutions, only lose time imagining prognosis unnecessary. But if we convince ourselves that the problem is cultural, it would be easier to agree on a new project for a new path of rebirth. We finally figured out where to start! ...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

6 Days Delay Menstruation

(01-08-2009) No trails, no party

Today beautiful summer day, very hot and humid ... Obviously for the balcony is the fault of chemtrails ... I thought about it ... Also I believe that makes him the pigeon on the balcony makes them for some strange conspiracy alielieno and temples.

Trail Aquatic with guilty now 13:12

humidity, 17:27 hours

Fog to Corsica now 17:27

Other aquatic trail with guilty now 19:24

Clear now 19:24

unidentified object from the terrace ... Photographed no zoom, now 20:27

Saturday, August 1, 2009

How Long To Feed Corn Snake Pinkies

(31-07-2009) Scio, Skiing, Trail, Shaman, Ski, Sciano

Today contrails, the terrace armored, and who knows how many more paranoia in the house.

Sun and wake, at 13:12

sun and cloud, at 14:56

clouds behind the mountains, now 14:59

Cloud flaked by the wind, now 20:01

Sunset, 0ra 20:52